Embark on a Journey to

Reclaim Your Freedom

Transform Your

Healing Path and

Get Your Life Back

Redefine your healing journey and

reclaim your life.

Embark on a Journey to

Reclaim Your Freedom

Transform Your

Healing Path and

Get Your Life Back

Redefine your healing journey and

reclaim your life.

Managing your healing journey can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you are sick and overwhelmed, have tried literally everything, and feel at a loss of what to do.

Many seeking alternative, effective solutions — from high performers, entrepreneurs, and busy moms to those facing challenges with mental health, trauma, addiction, depression, or autoimmune issues — find traditional therapies sorely lacking in providing the proper guidance and support they need. They feel let down and completely overwhelmed.

Does this sound like you?

  • Nothing you’ve tried has worked.

  • You’re ready for a breakthrough.

  • Feeling stuck or overwhelmed.

  • Traditional meds and doctors

    haven’t been able to help.

You Are Not Alone. We Are Here To Hold Your Hand, Meet You Where You Are At, And Support You Every Step Of The Way.

  • Know Where to Start

The approach to healing is ever evolving, and so are your options. But when it's tough to find experienced, safe support, where do you turn?

We're here to simplify that journey, connecting you with the practitioners and healing modalities that meet you where you are at.

  • Know Where to Start

The approach to healing is ever evolving, and so are your options. But when it's tough to find experienced, safe support, where do you turn?

We're here to simplify that journey, connecting you with the practitioners and healing modalities that meet you where you are at.

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Journey

If you qualify as the right candidate who can benefit from psychedelic therapy as part of your healing journey, we have a team to help you navigate through:

  • Guidance on microdosing or macrodosing

  • Proper preparation for a treatment or ceremony

  • Understanding any contraindications to medication with a pharmacist who is versed in psychedelic medicine

  • How to safely have a psychedelic experience

  • How to fully integrate post-experience that attends to your mind, body, soul, and spirit

  • Psychedelic-Assisted Journey

If you qualify as the right candidate who can benefit from psychedelic therapy as part of your healing journey, we have a team to help you navigate through:

  • Guidance on microdosing or macrodosing

  • Proper preparation for a treatment or ceremony

  • Understanding any contraindications to medication with a pharmacist who is versed in psychedelic medicine

  • How to safely have a psychedelic experience

  • How to fully integrate post-experience that attends to your mind, body, soul, and spirit

  • Connection and Peace Within Reach

Do you feel disconnected? We offer practical tools with our unique methods that bring you closer to feeling more loved, connected, and at peace than you ever thought possible.

  • Connection and Peace Within Reach

Do you feel disconnected? We offer practical tools with our unique methods that bring you closer to feeling more loved, connected, and at peace than you ever thought possible.

  • Natural Healing, Less Reliance

Too many people depend on medication just to manage daily symptoms without addressing the underlying root cause. We believe in a holistic, natural approach — addressing your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs without an over-reliance on prescription medications or substances.

  • Natural Healing, Less Reliance

Too many people depend on medication just to manage daily symptoms without addressing the underlying root cause. We believe in a holistic, natural approach — addressing your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs without an over-reliance on prescription medications or substances.

  • A Whole-You Approach to Wellness

This work is about addressing the root cause and getting you back in touch with your body’s innate intelligence by meeting you where you are at right now. Your symptoms are signs of deeper issues. Our approach goes far beyond superficial fixes or just putting a bandaid on it. We embrace a holistic strategy that encompasses every facet of your being — mind, body, soul, and spirit — to offer a transformation that transcends beyond healing, bringing you back to alignment with who you truly are.

  • A Whole-You Approach to Wellness

This work is about addressing the root cause and getting you back in touch with your body’s innate intelligence by meeting you where you are at right now. Your symptoms are signs of deeper issues. Our approach goes far beyond superficial fixes or just putting a bandaid on it. We embrace a holistic strategy that encompasses every facet of your being — mind, body, soul, and spirit — to offer a transformation that transcends beyond healing, bringing you back to alignment with who you truly are.

At Psychable, We Are Committed To your healing journey and walking this path together.

Begin Taking Steps Safely

Your Guided Path Towards Overall Well Being

Specialized and professional support every step of the way. Learn how our carefully personalized programs offer you a safe starting point for your path to wellness, with or without psychedelic therapy.

Begin Taking Baby

Steps Safely

Your Guided Path Towards Overall

Well Being

Expert Support Every Step of the Way.

Learn how our carefully curated programs offer you a safe starting point for your path to wellness, with or without psychedelic therapy.

Here’s What Our Clients Have to Say About Working With Us

Wondering about the impact of our work?

Discover how others have benefited through these testimonials.

Your program has been truly life-saving.

Jemie, you and your team are amazing!! I'm so grateful for you. I feel like you've given me the place I once recalled during my childhood where I felt a deep sense of peace - where I played and ate sweet berries and was free of stress and anxiety while I was there. I feel like you've given that to me with your guidance, wisdom, and practical tools. This is the first time in my life where I have not felt depressed. I'm so grateful and cherish this journey and every moment of peace it has brought me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

- Sally F. (Boca Raton, FL)

By far one of the best programs I have been a part of!

Working with Jemie and the team is more than 5 stars. She creates a super supportive safe space where I can just be myself and allow me to finally hear and listen to my body’s wisdom and innate intelligence. By far one of the best programs I have been a part of!

- Luis G. (Charleston, S.C)

10 out of 10

10 out of 10 because everything just really resonated and reminded me of what I already knew within me, that is my inner truth. I was really overwhelmed and feeling depressed before I found Psychable. The team showed me how to get on a better path with my healing journey with practical tools, education and follow everything that my body resonates with. I’m already feeling so much better and finally feel like I’m getting my life back.

- Hailey L. (Los Angeles, CA)

Your sessions always just help get me back on track

Your sessions always just help get me back on track to a place of getting and feeling better. I wish I could just carry you around with me all the time. They need to make a pocket-size version of you, and I’m sure you get that all the time.

- Leticia R. (Los Angeles, CA)

I still hold our sessions as having great impact and significance

I hope this message finds you well. Just wanted to reach out and give you good news: to let you know I’m still doing great after completing our session. I’ve dived deeper into psychology because of the inspiration I got from you. I got a job at an addiction clinic, and it’s great to be able to help pull people out of their ‘hell.’ I’m still doing my best to tell the truth, and aiming for the highest good I can think of for my life. I still want to do what I told you my end goal was, but I have to start the momentum somewhere. I still hold our sessions as having great impact and significance. You’re changing people’s worlds, and for that, I thank you.

- Mario S. (Las Vegas, NV)

She really opened my eyes to new perspectives and I am grateful for her holistic approach

Jemie is the real deal. I've been to many therapists and rehab centers without much success, but she made a huge impact even from the very first session. She is fully there with you every moment during the session and her sessions are powerful. She really opened my eyes to new perspectives and I am grateful for her holistic approach. I highly recommend going into each session with an open mind—you'll be amazed. I feel very fortunate to have worked with Jemie and to have her support during my Ibogaine and DMT experience.

- David W. (Atlanta, GA)

Breaking Down Psychedelic Therapy Myths

Psychedelic therapy opens up new possibilities for healing and transformation, especially for those who haven't found relief or results through conventional methods. Unfortunately, the stigma around mental health and the confusion about alternative therapies adds to the struggle, making it hard to find a trusted, effective path to healing and wellness.

Psychable is here to make things clearer, connecting you with safe, legal options, and the practitioners can support you.

Psychedelic therapy opens up new possibilities for healing and transformation, especially for those who haven't found relief or results through conventional methods. Unfortunately, the stigma around mental health and the confusion about alternative therapies adds to the struggle, making it hard to find a trusted, effective path to healing and wellness.

Psychable is here to make things clearer, connecting you with safe, legal options, and practitioners who can support you.

Let's Tackle The Top 5 myths That Might

Stop You From Finding Your Breakthrough.

Myth #1



Psychable stands as the most trusted and comprehensive source for connecting individuals with legal psychedelic-assisted therapy, preparation and aftercare support services. Our commitment is to facilitate a safe community where individuals can confidently explore their healing journey.

Myth #2



With our tech-enabled platform, we simplify the process of connecting you with experienced, community-curated practitioners near you. Our platform is designed for ease, offering a comprehensive list of practitioners tailored to your needs.

Myth #3



At Psychable, customization is at the heart of what we do. From addressing specific symptoms and conditions to matching you with the ideal type of support and content, our services are tailored to your unique needs.

Myth #4



Our team, composed of top industry experts, provides high-quality, medically-reviewed content and education. Our commitment extends beyond mere treatments or psychedelics; we provide a comprehensive suite of services designed to empower you with knowledge, education, and support at every step of your healing journey. This holistic approach ensures you're well-equipped and confident in making the best, most informed decisions for your well-being, enabling you to feel not just good, but fully resourced and self-empowered.

Myth #5



Safety is our foundation. We connect you with practitioners who offer tools and healing modalities – prioritizing you and your well-being. Our community and platform are built on the foundation of safe, ethical, and effective practices.

Who Is This Program For?

Wondering if this is the right program for you?

Consider whether these situations apply to you:

Wondering if this is the right program for you? Consider whether these situations apply to you:

  • Are you a high performer or entrepreneur feeling unrelenting stress and seeking more than temporary fixes?

  • Have you, as a mother or woman, felt overlooked by doctors or traditional mental health approaches, desiring an approach that truly understands and addresses your unique needs?

  • Are you struggling with PTSD, anxiety, depression, or addiction and looking for a path that leads to deeper, lasting change?

  • Have you tried traditional approaches and worked with doctors but can’t find the relief you’re seeking?

  • Do you seek a holistic approach that considers your entire well-being and finally addresses the root causes, not just symptoms?

  • Are you intrigued by the potential of natural and holistic therapies to unlock a level of healing you have yet to experience?

If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, this program might just be what you're looking for.

What Makes Us Unique?

Unique and Revolutionary Approach

We redefine wellness through an integrative approach that incorporates our unique methodology, which blends holistic practices.

Customized Care

Our focus is on the holistic

well-being of our clients, providing personalized

guidance for their mental, emotional, spiritual, and

physical wellness.

Proficient Team

Our well-rounded team combines expertise in holistic practices, pharmacology to identify contraindications, and specialized knowledge in psychedelics.

Breadth and Depth Continue Care

With the foundation of holistic and psychedelic expertise, led by our seasoned practitioners, we offer the deepest and broadest holistic preparation and integration programs available.

What Makes Us Unique?

Unique and Revolutionary Approach

We redefine wellness through an integrative approach that incorporates our unique methodology, which blends holistic practices.

Customized Care

Our focus is on the holistic well-being of our clients, providing personalized guidance for their mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness.

Proficient Team

Our well-rounded team combines expertise in holistic practices, pharmacology to identify contraindications, and specialized knowledge in psychedelics.

Breadth and Depth Continue Care

With the foundation of holistic and psychedelic expertise, led by our seasoned practitioners, we offer the deepest and broadest holistic preparation and integration programs available.

  • Personalized Care

  • Comprehensive Care

  • Supportive Community

  • Detoxification

  • Holistic Approach

  • Well-Rounded Team of

    Practitioners and Pharmacists

  • Personalized Care

  • Comprehensive Care

  • Supportive Community

  • Detoxification

  • Holistic Approach

  • Well-Rounded Team of

    Practitioners and Pharmacists

Coaching Programs with Psychable Founder

Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.

Our programs are tailored for those seeking personalized assistance and actionable steps to enhance their health and well-being, no matter where they are in their journey.

We offer limited spots in our programs and our application process is to ensure that we are the right fit for each other.

Coaching Programs with Psychable Founder

Jemie Sae Koo, M.A.

Our programs are tailored for those seeking personalized assistance and actionable steps to enhance their health and well-being, no matter where they are in their journey.

We offer limited spots in our programs and our application process is to ensure that we are the right fit for each other.

Take the First Step Towards Your Well Being

Your Healing Journey, Simplified

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