Lifetime access to The Pathway course covering the 12 essential principles to heal in modern (Value: $444)
Practical Step-By-Step Guides and Resources, including Anti-Inflammatory 'Eat This, Not That' Guide (Value: $995)
Microdosing Protocol (Value: $495)
HCP Facebook Community (Priceless)
Everything in HCP Lite PLUS...
Live and Interactive Modules on the 12 Essential Principles, Personally Taught by Jemie (Value: $4,500)
1x Month Coaching with Jemie and/or Support Coaches for SIX MONTHS (Value: $2,250)
Food & Nutrition Protocols (Value: $995)
Daily Tools, Unique Breathing Techniques, and Practices (Value: $759)
Handouts and Cheat Sheets (Value: $495)
Everything in HCP PLUS...
2 VIP days including a sacred ceremony with Jemie ($10,000 Value)
6 Sessions of 1:1 Coaching with Jemie ($2,250 Value)
In-Toxification Assessment: A comprehensive consultation to identify and review toxins in your environment and products. (Value: $1,125)